Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Giving Advice

Today, I realised I was a Mac person. I mean, I knew this already, but I'd always thought of myself as a bit of a wannabe - but to be fair, the other people I knew who were Mac heads are my partner Crispin, whose Mac knowledge goes back decades (literally, DECADES), and of course, Chad, Andrew, Jocke and Yegor, all of whom are so scarily elite that it doesn't actually bear thinking about. I admire all 5 for their complete geekdom, and as I could barely find the Terminal window, let alone ssh anything (I was confused when Crispin me to 'just chmod it' recently, which is a pretty basic command, for shame!), I'd always just assume I'm a basic user.

Which is complete bollox, of course. You don't have to be able to compile stuff to know what you're talking about, and today, when a friend of mine finally got around to setting up the old Powerbook G4 he'd bought for £300 off a friend, he started asking me questions ('How do I delete stuff off the Dock', 'How do I change the name of my hard drive', and of course, 'what Twitter app do you use?'), and then he came back with 'I just asked three Mac people the same question...' He included me in his list of Mac people, despite the fact that I never even USED one properly before just over a year ago (technically a lie - we only had Macs when I was in secondary school, so I've used OS 9 with Cubase, teh awsumz).

Just a silly small thing, but it made me proud.

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