Wednesday 18 March 2009

Ooh, another MBP!

How marvellous. I've finally seen another human being sporting the same MBP as me, and guess what? They happened to have the glossy screen.

Take THAT, Engadget and all of your goddamn whining about the anti-glare screen. The rest of us actually like how gorgeous things appear behind a glass screen, you smarmy idiots.

I've always loved Engadget, seriously, they're great. But come ON. The amount of whining and complaining that they did when Apple redid the screens on the MB and MBP line was just unbelievable.

A failed freight train! Apparently a failed freight train blocked the line between Warrington and Crewe, but they said it was a signal failure when we were at the station, which just goes to show something I've long suspected, and that is that the 'signal failure' is just a coverall story they spin as people know what it means and can't do anything about it.

Well, I think that Network Rail should invest in some new fucking signals because I have had it with them failing. The fucking bastards.

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